Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Only Two Weeks Left Plus My Last Visit to the Oral Surgeon

I can't believe that my surgery is only two weeks from today! Everything is starting to move extremely fast, and I am definitely starting to get anxious, nervous, and excited. Not a day goes by that I don't think about what's going to happen to me. I have to confess that I've gotten slightly obsessive over the surgery - I've watched every before and after YouTube video I could find, read more blogs than I can count, and told so many people who could probably care less about the procedure.

For those of you who don't know, I'm a huge crier and crying is definitely my way of expressing almost everything. Whether I'm upset, angry, stressed, anxious, or relieved, I cry. So of course, on the way to the oral surgeon's office for my last appointment before surgery, I started crying to my mom because I really don't know what I'm getting myself into. Yes, I've read and watched stuff, but I still have trouble wrapping my head around what is actually going to happen as far as the procedure and recovery. I'm basically trying to imagine what having my face broken and then put back together is going to feel like, and it's no easy task. However, by the time my appointment today was finished, my surgeon made me feel much better about what was going on.

At my appointment, I first had to have some impressions and measurements taken for the millionth time. Once all of the nasty putty stuff was out of my mouth, my mom and I got to talk to the surgeon about some of the nitty gritty details about the surgery. It will last anywhere from 4 to 6 hours.  Ideally, he would like to move my upper jaw 11 millimeters up, but since that is quite a bit, it will probably end up being more like 8 or 9 millimeters. He will then move my lower jaw forward until it is in the proper position and then advance my chin. He is also planning on shortening my septum to ensure that my nose doesn't turn up too much. According to the surgeon, everything should turn out "lovely."

The surgeon also ran me through what my time at the hospital will be like. Once I'm at the hospital, I will have one last opportunity to ask any last minute questions before they hook me up to an IV and start giving me drugs to relax. My surgeon assured me that I am his only appointment that day and he will wait with me after surgery until I wake up to ensure that everything is fine. He will also be in the hospital each day until I leave to make sure everything runs smoothly and according to plan. While in the hospital, I will have a pain pump to help reduce the pain as well as steroids to help control the swelling in my face. I will remain in the hospital until I am able to take care of myself with the biggest concern being hydration without an IV. The surgeon said that after a day they will really start pushing me to drink lots of fluids.

After giving me the run down, I got to ask him any questions I wanted. My list ranged from "What happens if I have to yawn?" to "What is done to keep me from throwing up after surgery?" He was very patient and thoroughly answered everything. I believe that I am in very good hands and everything will work out beautifully.

Finally, the surgeon told me that I will definitely look different after everything is said and done. While I know it will take some getting used to for me and everybody else, I can't wait until everything is worked out and I get to show off my brand new look.

Look for a new post next Thursday, July 14th. It is the day I see the anesthesiologist for pretesting as well as my orthodontist for the last time before surgery.

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