Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 2: Everything is Lots of Work

This morning after not sleeping very much, all I wanted to do was go home. I had done the three things my surgeon told me to do (1. Drink/Eat 2. Walk and use the bathroom 3. Take painkillers in pill form) and I knew that I would be able to leave the hospital very soon.

My surgeon came to talk to me in the morning and said that he was very impressed with how I was doing. He was wonderful about everything, and no, I'm not just saying that because he's been looking at this blog. He gave me my prescriptions and instructions for what to do at home.

Before I left, I actually felt hungry for the first time and had some Italian ice.

Once I got home I slept for awhile before I got up and moved around and had a smoothie. I still keep dozing off, but every time I wake up I have a little bit more energy. However, it takes lots of time and energy to do things that I'm used to doing easily on a daily basis.

I got in the shower for a little while to try to get the dressing off of my upper lip and chin. However, since it's been hard to eat, I got very dizzy and had to come out after only a little while. Here's a picture after first trying to get the dressing off.

Afterwards, I took a nap and then started picking at it some more. In case you don't know, I'm very determined to get stuff taken care of.

There was a little bit of improvement here. The tape in the middle of my upper lip makes me look like Hitler, which reminded me of Rat Race, one of my favorite stupidly funny movies. Just in case you've never seen it, here's the clip these pictures made me think of. Skip to about 3:30 for the funny parts.

Anyhow, I'm going to try to get in the shower one more time tonight to get the rest of the dressing off. More pictures and updates to come tomorrow evening.

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