Thursday, July 14, 2011

6 Days Left: A Busy Day

Today has been an extremely busy day! There has been lots of running around and talking to doctors to say the least.

First, I had an appointment at the hospital for pretesting. First, I had to fill out a bunch of health forms. Then a nurse practitioner talked to me about what to expect the day of surgery. I have to be in the hospital at 6:30 in the morning. I will have some blood drawn and then I can go into the pre-op area where I have to put on a hospital gown and get my IV started. I then have the chance to talk to my surgeon and the anesthesiologist before they start giving me drugs through my IV to relax me and calm me down. Once I'm in the operating room they'll put me to sleep and I'll wake up 4-6 hours later in the recovery room. After talking with the nurse practitioner I had some blood drawn. Thank God I had an expert who was able to find my tiny vein on the first poke! After that, I was all set, and headed off for a quick lunch before I was off to the orthodontist.

My appointment at the orthodontist was relatively painless and short. All they had to do was attach some extra hooks for rubber bands after surgery and retie my wire in a few places. I kind of felt like it was a send off for me. Everyone wished me luck and said they can't wait to see how I look after surgery.

The last item on the agenda was stopping by the oral surgeon's office to pick up the consent forms I have to sign. All I can say was it was interesting and somewhat scary reading through all of things that could possibly go wrong. My oral surgeon has told me about pretty much all of the possible problems, but they tend to be a lot more direct and scary on paper. Also, for anyone who wants to know the proper medical terms for the procedures I'm having, they are: lefort I osteotomy, mandibular bilateral saggital split, genioplasty, and nasal septoplasty.

As a side note, by popular deman, now anyone should be able to comment on my posts.

That's all for today!


  1. Hi Meghan! What a great idea! This could really be helpful to others going through a similar situation, or considering it. Thanks for letting me know:)
    I'm so proud of you for going through with this, you have quite a story! You're an inspiration.
    I'm comfortable in saying that you're in excellent hands with your surgeon and before you know it this will all be behind you.
    Have a great weekend and I'll be thinking of you next week:)
    Sincerely, Dr. F

  2. Meghan, my thoughts are with you. Hang in there you are in good hands and you have a wonderful family who will take care of you round the clock. I will be praying for you.

    Mrs. Eskin

  3. My dear Meggie! I finally had a chance to watch the video you posted here. I must admit, at first, I cried. But, once I saw the final result, I honestly feel that you are doing the right thing. I know it will be a bumpy road for you but I know you will get through it. I sometimes feel as though you are just another daughter to me so know that I will be with you spiritually every step of the way! Be Strong! Love always, Mrs Prowseee :)

  4. Good Luck, Meghan! You are in my thoughts and prayers! I will be following the blog very closely in the next weeks!

    love, p snow

  5. Hi Meggie! Just wanted to say good luck! Its going to be hard at first but I know you can get through it! I will be praying for you! Again good luck and love you!! -Kerry :)

  6. Good luck tomorrow Meghan! Just hang in there and keep in mind that the Prowse family is always behind you. We only wish the best for you and you will be in our prayers, especially mine.

    Best of luck Meghan.
    With love, Tommy

  7. Last day Meggie!! Might I suggest you bite into a nice, juicy steak today!! Love, Mrs Prowseee

  8. Dear Meghan,

    Good luck tomorrow, we'll be thinking about you. We are sure things will go very well. Be sure to have Mom keep us updated.

    Mrs. Danic

  9. Dear Meghan,
    I just got a call from your surgeon and he said the surgery went wonderfully and that he's very happy with the results! I'm so pleased to hear this and I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for you and can't wait to see you at your next visit!
    Take Care,
    Dr. F

  10. Meghan,

    Hoping that you are resting comfortably and that your recovery is going smoothly. God bless!

    love, p snow
