Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 6: Visit to the Oral Surgeon

Last night I was finally able to get all of the remnants of the dressing off my face using baby oil.

This afternoon I went to the oral surgeon for a check up. Since my surgeon is out of town, I saw the other surgeon in the practice who was in on my surgery. He said that everything looked good and took out the stitches on the outside of my mouth. He tightened the rubber bands on one side of my mouth because things were a little uneven. I know that this has to be done, but it is slightly frustrating because I tighter rubber bands mean I can't open my mouth as quite as far as I could before. For the past few days I was able to eat certain foods like apple sauce and pudding with a spoon, but now everything I can't sip out of a cup has to go into my mouth through a syringe. It almost felt like I took a step backwards. He also told me that I need to make sure I am eating enough everyday so I don't lose too much weight. I go back to the surgeon on Friday for another check up.

My mom took me to Panera for lunch. I got a wild berry smoothie and broccoli cheddar soup that we took home and put in the blender. They were both delicious.

So far today I only had to take the prescription motrin for pain only once when I got up in the morning. Hopefully this means that I'm close to being off the strong pain killers.

I was also excited that I could sit down and focus on reading a book for awhile this afternoon. Up until now it has been difficult to focus on doing things like reading and watching TV for more than a short period of time.

Thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes. They really mean a lot!!! :)

Eating my blended Panera soup with a syringe

My lips almost close!

Attempting to smile :)



  1. Even though tightening the rubber bands is annoying, it helps to further stabilize your jaw resulting in less pain. The out of it feelings you are having along with not being able to concentrate are in large part due to residual effects of anesthesia. Believe it or not it takes several days to completely clear it out of your body. I always said that anesthesia made me stupid. I could not remember anything or concentrate even on the TV for any length of time. Everything will improve in time.

  2. Meghan,

    I remember after one of my surgeries reading teh same first page in a book about 4 times and still couldn't remember what I read. That is when I moved on to People magazine. Lots of pictures to look at, not much reading and certainly nothing important.
    Aunt Tricia
