Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 7: It's Already Been a Week!

I can't believe that it was already a week ago that I was spending my first night in the hospital after surgery! Time really has passed by quickly!

Last night I tried to go to sleep after only taking prescription motrin instead of percocet. It worked out fine until I woke up around 3 AM with a lot of pain on the side of my mouth where they tightened my rubber bands yesterday. I then took percocet which knocked me out for the rest of the night.

Last night I decided to track the food I eat every day on to make sure I'm getting enough nutrients each day. I realized that I'm not getting enough protein in my diet, so I worked on that today. I was able to eat some yogurt with a syringe this afternoon and I also made sure I ate more substantial food and drank some milk. Eating is definitely one of the hardest parts of recovery. It takes a long time to eat pretty much everything. For example eating a small container of yogurt and a cup of chicken noodle soup took about 45 minutes. I can only eat small amounts at a time and it seems like as soon as I finish eating one thing, I'm already starting to get hungry for something else. On the plus side, when I had Max and Erma's chicken tortilla soup for dinner tonight, I was able to eat with a baby spoon instead of a syringe.

Some friends came over to see me today, and it was very nice to see and talk to them since I've pretty much been hanging around the house all week.

The swelling is still pretty bad and uneven, but hopefully it continues to go down over coming days and weeks. Here are your pictures for the day :)


  1. Meghan,
    A week has gone by since your surgery and you are making great progress! Keep your spirits up and keep eating that protein. Just think by the time the Fun Run comes around you'll be able to eat the garlic bread :)

    Take care,
    Mrs. Danic

  2. Looking good Meghan, and we are glad to hear that you are feeling less pain!

  3. Meg, I'm going to see if I can find these yummy freeze pop things I had when I was pregnant. They have a good amount of electrolytes and stuff in them to help you stay healthy when it's hard to eat. Seeley has a present for you too!

