Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 4: Moving Along

Last night I got in the shower again for a few minutes before I started to feel unsteady. I was able to get a majority of my chin dressing off, and am only waiting to get the last part off after taking a shower tonight. It is extremely sticky and is like trying to pull off a band-aid that goes across my entire face. I didn't expect it to be this difficult to get off.

I've determined that my least favorite part of the day is between 9 and 11 at night. I normall am super tired and grouchy which makes getting everything done ten times harder. For example, even though I had been taking my pain meds all day, I couldn't swallow a pill without gagging. However, it eventually went down and I went to sleep.

Whenever I go to sleep after taking my percocet, I have the craziest dreams. I wake up and tell my mom about them which is usually good for a decent laugh, or at least an eye roll. 

Today was more of the same: eating and drinking from my syringes, sleeping, and trying to move around a little bit. I am probably going to try some chicken broth for dinner because I feel like I need to eat something besides smoothies, ice cream, and apple sauce. 

My lower lip and chin are still pretty numb, but before I left the hospital, my surgeon said that he expects everything should eventually go back to normal because there didn't appear to be any permanent damage done to the nerves. 

I can actually pull my lips back and start to smile a little bit today :)

Looking pretty swollen here 

I want to get this last piece off tonight.


  1. Hi, this is Mom! people seem to be having trouble posting comments so i am trying to see what the issue is!

  2. If you are having trouble posting: If you do not have a profile listed, choose ANONYMOUS. Write your comment, then click PREVIEW. After preview, click POST COMMENT. I usually have to click this 2x. Then type in the code words shown and it should post then!
    Thanks...meghan appreciates everyone's interest and loves to see your comments!

  3. I agree with your mom Meggie!! This road you are on is a bit long but I believe in the end you will feel it was all worth it!! Remember what I keep's all downhill now!! I hope to see you again before we leave on Thursday but if I don't, I will touch base with you by text. Don't forget to try my favorite smoothie recipe...I have to admit, though, that Tommy invented it. 1 frozen banana, 2 blobs of peanut butter, a scoop of the chocolate protein powder, and enough milk to cover everything. You COULD add yogurt but I am guessing after your 'delightful' yogurt experience the other day, you might want to pass on that! ;-) By the way, nice movie video!! Got a good chuckle out of it!!
    Love, Mrs Prowseee

  4. Hey girl hey!!!!!

  5. Hey it's Tay thanks for everything you have done for me at camp when I was sick. It made me feel better that someone was actually looking out for me and comforting me when things got bad. I also want to congratulate you on your new job in mishawaka. Thanks for everything and I hope I see you again whether at miss gradeless` basketball game or somewhere else. I'll miss you so much.

  6. It's Abby. I like chocolate .... Bye

  7. It's Taylor again I just wanted to let you know that I'm still sick from camp but the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with me I just want to thank you again for your support and I hope I see you soon. The doctor said that all of my intestines were inflamed and its going to take a month before I start getting better. Thank you again.

  8. Hi Taylor!

    I hope you end up seeing this! I'm so sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well, but I am glad that the doctors were able to figure out what was wrong. I missed seeing you when I stopped by school the other day, but I'm sure we'll run into each other at some point. Feel better soon!

    Miss Barnauskas

  9. Today was our last day at school! I'm so depressed we don't get to see Gdog anymore. Gdog and i took a duckface selfie together. it was hilarious.We also saw Miss Inman. I was hoping you would come. I can't wait till we see you again.

