Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 11: A Fun Day

Today was very eventful!

This morning I went to church with my family. Everything went fine until I started to feel shaky and almost fainted about three quarters of the way through Mass. After sitting down for awhile and having a McDonald's shake (the cure for everything), I felt just fine.

This evening my aunts and my cousins came over to visit, swim, and have dinner. While it was hard to watch everyone eat hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn on the cob, my cousin did bring some delicious smoothie mix over with her. I was also able to eat a "dissected" roasted marshmallow and melted chocolate while everyone else was eating s'mores. It was great to see everybody and show them how my face is coming along.

I think one of my brackets or hooks is rubbing up against my cheek and irritating it. This is something that I would normally just put wax on, but since I can't open my mouth very wide, all I can do is hope it feels better tomorrow.

In the pictures for today my upper lip looks a lot less swollen which is just another step in the right direction. My smile is also a little bit crooked because of the uneven swelling, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it evens out.

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