Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 3: Lots of Sleeping

Well, last night after blogging, things went downhill a little bit. I felt hungry, so I decided to try a little bit of yogurt. Well, after that, I threw up when trying to take my antibiotic. It was very unpleasant and disgusting because my mouth doesn't open very wide, but I lived through it. Let's just say I won't be trying yogurt again very soon.

After that, I managed to take a pain pill and fall asleep for a couple hours.

When I woke up around one in the morning, I decided to brush my teeth and use my mouth rinse. That was the best thing that I've done since I got home. Although it was quite messy since I still don't have a lot of control of my facial muscles, it left me feeling fresher and not so nasty feeling.

I woke up a few times throughout the night to take some pain medication, but it was definitely the best I've slept since before surgery.

Today, I continued to eat the things that I've been eating and move around a little bit. I've finally kind of gotten on track for when I need to take my pain medicine and then sleeping a lot after taking it.

I'm actually surprised that I can mostly breathe through my nose when I want to. I was told that because of the swelling it would be difficult to do so. However, as of right now, the thing that makes it most difficult is some dried blood in my nose from the few small nose bleeds I've had.

The swelling seems alright today, although my surgeon told me it might get worse over the next few days because I'm no longer on the steroids they were giving me in the hospital to keep it down. He also warned me that the steroids wearing off might leave me feeling a little bit depressed, so we'll see how that goes.

I still have to get in the shower and try to get the rest of the dressing off of my face. It's just hard trying to coordinate it with taking pain killers, eating, etc.

Here are some pictures:

Still no facial expression 

Some profile views. 


  1. Actually the swelling has gone down some from this morning and you really are making so much progress. I looked at a lot of the youtube videos of others who had the same type of surgery and you look much better at this point than many of them! The best part, though, is seeing the end result for all of these people: AMAZING! I am confident you will be glad you did this! Love, Mom

  2. I agree! The swelling doesn't look as bad as I thought it would three days post op. Can't wait to see the results once your bandages are totally off. I'm so proud of you! Not sure I could have gone thru surgery like that. Love you, Michelle (and Jason and Seeley J)

  3. Hi Miss B it's Mia after camp on Saturday I ended up having something wrong with my appendix. So after waiting for awhile I had to get surgery. I thought I should let you know because comforted me at camp and Im very grateful for that! Thank you! :)

  4. Hi Mia!

    I hope you end up seeing this, but I'm so sorry you ended up being so sick, and I hope you are feeling better now. I missed seeing you when I stopped by school the other day, but I'm sure we'll run into each other at some point!

    Miss Barnauskas
