Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 10: A Little Bit Tired

First of all, last night was the first night I've been able to sleep without any pain medication! This is definitely a good sign.

Today was a pretty low key day. I think all of the activity yesterday left me feeling a little worn out so I just lounged around the house for most of the day.

Tonight, I went out to eat at Champp's with my family and I got some of their delicious potato soup. I've gotten in a pretty good routine as far as eating, and I've been getting enough nourishment everyday.

Also, today my chin and lower lip are bothering me a little bit. They are both very tingly because I'm starting to get some feeling back, but it can be rather annoying at times. I'm still waiting for the swelling on the one side of my face to be the same as the other side, but I know it will all come in good time.

Here are your pictures for today.

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