Thursday, August 11, 2011

Days 20-22: Getting Ready to Go Back to School

The past few days have had a lot of ups and downs. First of  all, I've had a lot of trouble eating dairy for the past few days. On Tuesday, I threw up after eating yogurt, and felt sick for about an hour after I ate ice cream. This has made it hard to eat enough during the day because dairy has made up a huge part of my diet.

Yesterday, I went with my mom and sisters to Greenfield Village. It was nice to spend some time with them before I go back to school. However, all of the walking around made me tired and I had to take a nap when I go home.

Today, I spent a lot of time packing for school since I go back tomorrow. As of right now almost everything is packed up. Once again, all of the activity mixed with not really eating enough has left me feeling exhausted. I can only hope that at school I'll have enough energy to be involved with all of the activities that I have to participate in for Welcome Week for incoming freshman.

I go back to the oral surgeon tomorrow before I leave for school, and hopefully there is only good news! :)

Here are pictures from today:

1 comment:

  1. My dear brave Meghan,

    I am looking forward to seeing you in little more than a week. You look great! Keep those spirits up!!

    Love, p snow
