Monday, August 8, 2011

Days 18 and 19: Not the Greatest Days

The last couple days have been kind of difficult. I haven't felt the greatest and I've been tired and have to take a long nap in the middle of the day. I also am sick of eating the same set of foods everyday, and the things I've been eating aren't appetizing any more. Also, even though I'm excited to go back to school, I'm scared to leave the routine I've gotten comfortable with at home.

Today, I went to the orthodontist in the morning. The appointment was only for them to look at how everything looked after surgery. They looked at how my rubber bands are placed in my mouth and checked to make sure there were no loose brackets or anything. They were very pleased and I have to go back when I come back from school at the six week post-op mark for a check up with the oral surgeon.

Today, I also went to get a haircut which made me feel a little bit better. I hope the the next few days are better than the last few.

Here are yesterday's pictures:

Here are the pictures for today:

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