Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 35: Five Weeks Post-Op

Wow! I'm almost done with my first week of school! Everything has been so crazy, and a lot has happened. First of all, after comparing the pictures I took tonight with the pictures from a week ago, I can actually see some improvement. I'm so glad things are continuing to progress and get better.

That being said, it has been a little bit difficult being in a dorm without air conditioning as well as being so active all the time. Especially when it is hot and humid, my jaw seems more sore than usual and my face tends to feel more swollen.

I'm still working hard at eating. Every time I walk into the dining hall I feel like it's a gamble. Sometimes they have a decent soup I can eat, a good pasta, or rice, but other times I'm stuck eating a PB&J with apple sauce. I do cook and eat in my dorm every now and then, especially when I'm feeling really hungry. I love scrambled eggs (although doing the dishes is a pain), Stouffer's macaroni and cheese, and chicken noodle soup at hand. Hopefully I'll be able to start chewing soft foods this weekend which would make things a little bit easier.

Tomorrow after my classes, I'm going home so that I can go to the orthodontist and oral surgeon. The only reason I have to go to the orthodontist is because the bracket on my very last molar came loose the other day and I have to get that taken care of. The visit to the oral surgeon will simply be another check-up where he looks at my bite and rubberbands. I'll have a special update on Friday to tell you how everything goes.

Here are today's pictures. I decided that from now on I'll post a before and after picture of my smile just for fun. :)

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