Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 23: Another Visit to the Oral Surgeon

This afternoon I went back to the oral surgeon for another check-up and everything went really well. He said that everything is looking fantastic. I now have two sets of two rubberbands in my mouth. The first set of two stretches from the front of my top teeth to the middle of my lower jaw. They are used to keep my lower jaw forward as it heals. Here is a picture:

The second set of two rubber bands is in the back of my mouth and they are in the shape of boxes. They are used to bring my bite together in the back because right now my back top molars don't touch my back bottom molars. In addition, he also said that when my braces are eventually off, he can do a simple in-office procedure that would remove some of the gum that makes my smile "gummy." Finally, he almost told me that I could start chewing at my own discretion, but then realized that it hasn't even been a month yet. He said that I should try cutting "normal food" up in to super tiny pieces and then mush them around in my mouth. 

A few weeks ago my aunt brought me over a baby food grinder to try out. I've been reluctant to use it, but today I sucked it up and put some macaroni and cheese through it. It actually didn't taste too bad. Maybe I'll try putting some other stuff through it in the upcoming days. Tonight, I was able to eat some of Red Robin's chicken tortilla soup by cutting up the chicken pieces. It was delicious.

Overall, today was a much better day and I've had a lot more energy. I'm looking forward to moving into my dorm tomorrow and meeting all of the other Welcome Week leaders! :)

Here are today's pictures:

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