Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 24-25: Back at School!!!

Yesterday I moved back into my dorm at school. I love the way my room is set up and I'm working on getting everything in place.

I've had a few things to do for my training so far, and everyone in the Welcome Week Leader group is wonderful. Last night when we had a meeting to introduce ourselves and they had ordered Jimmy John's for us. I could tell that everyone was kind of wondering why I wasn't eating so I explained that I had jaw surgery 3 1/2 weeks ago and still can't chew.

When I went to Target yesterday with my mom and sisters we made sure that I loaded up on a lot of soft food and I think that I'm going to be alright as far as eating.

Overall, I'm so happy to be back at school, and I can't wait to until all of my friends come back so I can show them my new smile! I think the change of scenery and being busy helped make me feel better even though I'm very tired now. I'm looking forward to a great year and will keep you updated on how things are going.

Here are today's pictures:


  1. We are so glad you are upbeat and happy to be back at school! We do miss you, but we know what a great place school is for you! Love looking at your smile!
    Love you,
    Mom, the girls and Matt

  2. Meggie~ I seem to always be piggy-backing on things your mom says but, again I agree. I think being back at school will do wonders for your spirits. I think you will be feeling like your old self very soon look fab!!! See you on your first visit home!! Love, Mrs Prowseee

  3. Make sure you send me a message on Facebook with your address for this year. Seeley told me he wants to send his god-momma some treats.

    Love, Michelle, Jasom, Seeley

  4. Hi Meghan! So sorry I missed you coming into the office last week while I was away.... but I love your photos! Hope all is going well -- everyone told me you looked great when you came in:)
    Feel better & better & have fun getting back into the swing of school.
    Dr. Fee
