Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 12: Spitting Stitches and Doing Some Exercise

Since I came home, I was brushing my teeth with a baby toothbrush because everything was swollen and I couldn't fit a normal toothbrush in the back of my mouth, but this morning I was able to brush with a normal toothbrush. For the past few days whenever I rinse out my mouth after brushing my teeth, I spit out some of my stitches. The stitches are dissolvable and so as everything starts to heal, they just fall out.

Everything continues to go smoothly. I've found foods that fill me up and I eat enough everyday. The swelling continues to go down a little bit at a time, and I feel better everyday.

Even though I feel a thousand times better than a week ago, I still get a little tired every now and then. Tonight I went to the Rec Center with my mom and walked a mile on the indoor track without a problem. I figure that it's a good way to start building up my stamina before I go back to school on August 13th to help with Welcome Week for first year students.  

I go back to the oral surgeon tomorrow for another check up and I am excited for my surgeon to see how things are coming along and hear what he thinks.

Here are today's pictures. 

I still have a silly little smile because of the swelling :)


  1. You are doing so well, Meg! Everyday your swelling is a little less and your smile is a little bit bigger! I am so proud of your determination!
    Love you,

  2. Looking FABULOUS Meggie!!! This is like reading a good book - can't wait to read the last chapter to see how it all ends! Hang in there and keep doing what you're going!!! Love, Mrs Prowseee ;+)
