Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 17: Putting Rubberbands Back In

Last night when I was brushing my teeth one of my rubberbands broke, so I had to face the thing that I've been fearing for the past week: putting a new tiny rubberbands on the hooks. Fortunately, after quite a few tries, I eventually was able to put it in place. Then this morning when I was eating breakfast the rubberband on the other side popped off. Luckily, it seems like I have a system down and it only took a few minutes to put another one on.

Before surgery, my surgeon told me that some people might have a hard time 'adjusting' to my new look and might not think that I'm the "real Meghan." While I'm definitely excited about how everything is coming along so far, it's hard to tell exactly how other people feel now and how they will feel down the road when everything is said and done. I'm especially anxious about going back to school and seeing how people react to how my face has changed.

In addition, I know that by looking at the pictures, it looks like almost all of the swelling is gone. As much as it's hard to explain, I know that there is quite a bit left to go down. I can feel it in my cheeks, between my nose and upper lip, my lips, and all around my mouth. Even though it might look like the end product, I still have a long ways to go, and it will probably be a few months before I get there. I think at this point, the swelling will no longer go down rapidly like it has been, but instead the improvements will be a slower and a lot less noticeable from day to day.

Here are the pictures for today:


  1. Meghan, as many people have remarked to me, you are and always have been beautiful-inside and out! Although the most noticeable result of this surgery is the change in your smile, the ultimate change is about your oral health now and in the future. Your gums will now be protected and healthier and your bite will be properly aligned and we know that was really the reason to go through this ordeal in the first place. That the correction of the "skeletal deformity" results in a smile you are not as self conscious about is icing on the cake!
    I love you, Mom

  2. Meggie! Haven't you been through enough that you would put youelf through the 'torture' of tortilla soup at Max & Ermas. That stuff makes everything from my neck up BURN...but I know, it's yummy too!! LOL Anyway, again, I agree with your mom. You ARE beautiful inside and out. Your friends back at school will feel the same. When I look at you (or should I say glare), that comes from the 'mom' in me wanting to make sure everything is right and you are okay. Very likely, any other mom or friend looking at you is doing the same. Don't think we are looking for a NEW Meghan or an OLD Meghan, we all just want you to be okay!!! :=) I hope to see you again before you leave for school but if not, I will on your first visit home. Take it slow and don't overdo it!! Love always, Mrs Prowseee
