Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 14: Two Weeks Down

Today was relatively uneventful. I woke up around 7 in the morning and my mouth was sore, so I took some motrin, and everything was fine the rest of the day.

This afternoon one of my friends came over to visit and it was nice to sit and talk for awhile. Later, I drove around with my mom a little bit, and went with my family to Applebee's. It was hard to watch everyone else eat, but my baked potato tasted pretty good. I'm just getting a little bit tired of eating pretty much the same things everyday. We also went to Target and I picked out a few new things for me to take back to school.

Tonight I'm pretty tired from all the activity, but I'm going to go on a short walk with my mom before I call it quits for the day.

Here are your pictures. There hasn't been a lot of change over the past few days.

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