Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 9: Mastering the Smoothie and Raiding the Surgeon's Prize Jar

Everything has gone extremely well over the past 24 hours. 

Last night I was able to eat a scrambled egg that was broken up into tiny little pieces. It's one more thing I can add to the list of things I can eat! :)

In addition, this morning I officially mastered making a fruit smoothie. I put some frozen yogurt, half of a Special K protein shake, banana, strawberries, and blueberries in the blender for a yummy treat with quite a bit of protein in it. 

This afternoon I went back to the oral surgeon's office where almost everyone knows me by name now. My surgeon is still on vacation, so the other surgeon looked at me again. He said that the rubber bands did the trick, and my bite is falling nicely into place. He left the rubber bands the way they are which was a huge relief for me. I was nervous that he might tighten them and I would have to go back to the syringes. He also said that I'm looking very cute and should be excited about how everything will eventually turn out. I go back again on Tuesday for another check up. The surgeon said they will probably remove the heavy duty rubber bands and replace them with a weaker elastic. At the end of the visit when my mom was making me another appointment, I saw the surgeon's prize jar and they let me pick out what I wanted. The picture below shows all of my "prizes" for being a good patient :)

Later in the afternoon my mom took me out for some retail therapy. I got some new shoes, a skirt, and two tops. Even though I was exhausted by the time it was over, it was definitely worth it!

Also, the last time I took medicine for pain was last night before I went to bed, and my mouth is barely sore at all. 

Here are the rest of the pictures for today. I'm looking a lot less swollen, although the one side of my face is still a little bit slower to go down. 

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