Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 1: Feeling A Little Bit Better

I was awakened pretty early in the morning to have some blood work done and my vitals taken. I then talked to my surgeon who said that I should get up and move around as well as start drinking some liquids and eating some soft foods.

I then was taken for some x-rays which was extremely unpleasant because I had to keep turning my head and they kept touching my face where it was tender.

Throughout the day I got up and walked around the halls three times. I also drank some water, half of McDonald's smoothie, a little bit of a vanilla shake, apple juice, and some Italian ice stuff.

My sisters and neighbors came to visit me in the hospital.

Towards the end of the day I was able to swallow a pain pill on my first try which was a huge accomplishment for me.

I did not sleep well at all at night, and let's just say that every hospital room needs to be a private room :p

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, and I will update the blog again later today so that I am all caught up.

Me eating my smoothie with a syringe.


  1. Hey Sis! You are doing GREAT! As someone who has watched you the last few days, you have come a long way already! Love you, sweetheart!

  2. Thanks for the updates Megan. We have been thinking about you and are happy that the surgery went well. We will keep praying for your recovery.
