Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 8: Still Making Progress

Nothing too exciting happened today.

The war with nutrition continues and I'm still working on making sure I eat enough. This afternoon I was able to make myself a strawberry and banana smoothie and I also tried a Special K protein shake. My mom also bought me some gourmet mashed potatoes which tasted great because they had some actual texture.

I'm still taking motrin once during the day as well as during the night. The pain seems to get a little bit better everyday and is turning into more of an annoying sore feeling that is tolerable. My chin and lower lip are slowly but surely regaining feeling and tingle quite a bit.

My tightened rubber bands feel a lot better today, and I can tell my jaw and teeth are trying to figure out where everything is supposed to go. Today, I was also able to open my mouth enough to eat with a spoon and was syringe free! I go back to the oral surgeon tomorrow to see if they need to make any more adjustments.

I'm hoping that I can get out and about in the next few days because I'm sick of just hanging around the house.

In addition to the usual pictures, I added this one today. Last night after I brushed my teeth, I noticed that I was able to close my mouth all the way. It still is not completely natural but it looks SO much better than attempts at closing it before surgery. I think I stared in the mirror looking at myself with my mouth closed for a good five minutes.

Here are the regular shots.

My sisters made me laugh right before I took this picture :)

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