Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 5: A Really Good Day

The past day has been very productive. Last night, I was able to eat some chicken noodle soup with the noodles chopped up into tiny pieces. I then was able to take a shower without feeling dizzy or faint. 

I slept relatively well with some more percocet dreams. 

This morning, I woke up feeling so much better. The pain was less intense and I was able to walk around the house for awhile. I made it throughout the day with a minimal amount of pain medicine. I also was able to sip out of a cup instead of shoot liquids into my mouth through a syringe. It really makes taking my pills a lot easier. 

I also was able to finally get all of the dressing of my chin which I considered a huge success. :)

While I was up and about, my mom and sisters made me laugh and smile. We were talking about how huge my lips are and how some people pay to have lips like mine. My mom couldn't stop laughing at me trying to stop smiling which only made me laugh more. It then took awhile to get my face back to normal. 

My aunt and cousins stopped by today to visit. They all ordered pizza for dinner, and while all I wanted to do was bite into a piece of pepperoni pizza, I was able to pick apart little pieces of a breadstick and eat it which was very yummy. 

Smiling a little bit more :)

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  1. Meghan,

    You are doing great. Despite the swellong, it is noticable how much your face has changed. I can tell that your mouth closes. You will probably ve real suprised how different you will look. Just take it slow and don't over di it.

    Aunt Tricia

  2. So...the lip thing...should we start calling you Zsa Zsa Barnauskas?? Just wondering...Mrs Prowseee ;=)
